Stand still and see My great Salvation, says the LORD. The enemy is not bigger than Me. I Am the Sovereign, and I have not forsaken you or given you up and over to the evil one. I have placed you in the palm of My hands, and no power can remove you or defeat you, because nothing can overwhelm or defeat Me. You are secure in ME. I Am your unfailing friend. I Am your security. I Am your source. I Am your supply. I Am with you. I Am for you and not against you. It is not a time to cower. It is not a time to be pushed back into a corner. Just stand firmly in simple, child-like, dependent faith and trust in Me at all times, and know that I Am the One Who is your keeper, night and day, says the LORD.

Nothing takes Me by surprise, says the Lord. I Am never caught off guard. You are never at a disadvantage as you entrust Me with your care. I will not fail you. Don’t give into fear and doubt, and plug your ears to the negative and stout threats of the enemy. I have you, safe in My arms, and you are not a prey to the enemy. I will fight for you, defend you, protect you and provision you. Stand still, and KNOW that I Am GOD in the midst of you, and all who put their trust in Me and wait on me will never be disappointed, says the LORD.

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