Hear My Voice - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Turn down the volume of the many voices around you that are vying for your attention and plug your ears to the raging, stout, arrogant words of the enemy, says the LORD. Cut out your own thoughts that are inferior to Mine and be still and open to hear MY Voice! I AM speaking! I do not have to scream and roar and shout. Just quiet yourself in My presence and be calm, regardless of your own racing thoughts and fears and the tumultuous and howling storms that are without and within, says the LORD.

Calm down, says the LORD. Hush! For as you minimize the external voices, you will hear My still, small voice within that will give you reassurance and peace. I AM here! I have plans and thoughts and ways that are higher than any other that I will share with you and give you superior wisdom and knowledge and understanding that will boggle and confuse the enemy that cannot outwit Me. I will download new strategies into you that will work wonders as you turn away from all threatening sounds and embrace MINE, and I will give you answers of peace, says the LORD.

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