I AM the WAY! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

It does not matter what comes your way; I Am the Way, says the LORD. I will never change with times and seasons and circumstances. You never have to wonder and worry about what I am going to do, for it is already written. You do not have to worry about being off guard when I AM ON GUARD. I Am keeping you, day and night. You can rest, assured that I Am with you, taking care of you, and that is NOT going to change, no matter what you face in your earthly sojourn, says the LORD.

I Am in control at all times, even when everything seems to be spinning out of control, says the LORD. You do not have to get dizzy, spinning around in circles. The WAY is straight ahead, and you cannot get lost. I will NOT lose sight of you, and I will NEVER abandon you. I AM NOT inept. I have you in the palm of My hands, and you will be provisioned, safe and SOUND in ME, as you entrust all of your care to ME and remember that I alone Am the Way. JUST FOLLOW ME, and you will never get confused or disoriented. I will hold you up, keep you from falling and failing as you entrust your total life to Me at all times, says the LORD.

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