I Am Your Peace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Your peace is not determined by the circumstances that you are facing, says the LORD. Being void of problems will not insure peace, either. I Am your peace, and I change NOT. Whether you are in a storm or a time of calm, I will give you peace that passes understanding. Absolutely nothing alters My Word, interferes with My presence in your life, or disrupts My power. There will NEVER be a power outage when it has to do with Me, for I AM all powerful, ever present, all wise, all knowing and infinite in understanding. Nothing can disturb Me, distract Me or destroy Me, and I Am with you to give you abiding peace, regardless of what comes your way, says the LORD.

Stability comes from your trust and confidence in Me, says the LORD. You have endured the trying of your faith many times. Fear is not an option and worry does not come from Me. Just rest in My care and sleep through the storms. They will come and go, but I remain the same. Calm assurance belongs to you always, for you are in the shelter of My arms, and the peace that I give you is a constant, not a variable. Be calm. Take a deep breath. All is well, and you are safe and secure in Me at all time, says the LORD.

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