Wait On ME to Act - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Wait on Me to act in your behalf and trust that I will grant you the desires of your heart, and answer your petitions that you have cried out to Me for, says the LORD. As you entrust Me with everything that is concerning you and those you love, then REST in that living Hope that you KNOW that I will do it! You do not have to fret day and night until you see your miracles. Just rest in the confidence that I will never fail you, and your prayers will be heard and answered, says the LORD.

You can have abiding peace and joy as you trust in My goodness and mercy for you, says the LORD. You need not worry about anything, but trust Me for everything! As you do, your rest will be complete. You will have a calm, quiet assurance that not only can I do all things, I will do everything for you, and nothing is to difficult for Me. Be patient. Wait. Trust, and cling to your hope in Me, and you will receive everything that you need and desire from Me as you simply believe, says the LORD.

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