Safe and Secure in My Hands - Prophetic Light Prophecies

No one can pluck you out of My hands, says the LORD. You are completely safe and secure. My own hands shield you from the blast of the enemy. You are completely covered by them. You have NOTHING to fear. Trust in My love for you. Trust in My protective care. Trust that I know everything that you need, I understand every concern that you have, and I Am with you always. You can rest, knowing that I have YOU, as well as everything that pertains to you in your life, says the LORD.

Don’t spend your days and nights fretting about the things you cannot control, the uncertain future that you cannot predict, the grim forecast of events that you have heard others speak, says the LORD. Listen to MY WORD and plug your ears to all the things that cause you to feel anxious. My hands that created you are big enough, strong enough and powerful enough to provision you, protect you, secure you as you entrust everything to Me always, says the LORD.

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