Daily Prophecies

Laugh at the Enemy!

Laugh at the enemy, says the LORD. For He is not your GOD, and he has no power over you! Laugh out loud and show him who is boss. For didn’t I say that you would tread on serpents and scorpions and you would be over all the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall

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I Will Restore You!

Even as the manna melted away in the hot sun in the wilderness, so shall the spoil that the enemy took from you melt in fervent heat, and consume away, Says the LORD. For as I created the manna for My people, so it is with that which I gave you, that the enemy stole

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I Am Calling You to Action!

I AM calling you to action, say the LORD. The enemy is active. He is prowling around, devising, and plotting against My people. He is pursuing them. Do not just sit there, while allowing him to catch up. My SPIRIT is on the MOVE, and I Am calling you to be PART OF My movement,

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More Than Enough

Whatever you need is NO problem for Me, says the LORD. Wherever you are, I AM! I Am not a regional GOD. I do not give to one at the expense of another. I do not need to! I Am El Shaddai, the GOD of an endless supply, that is MORE THAN ENOUGH. You do

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Trust Me!

Don’t wait for your situations to change before you trust in Me, says the LORD. Trust in Me at all times! For your testimony of My faithfulness is what I want you to declare and hold fast to THAT profession of faith, when the winds of adversity howl, the flood gates of the enemy are

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Daily Blessings

Do not dwell on the things that are negative and troubling, but dwell on the daily benefits that I have loaded you with, says the LORD. Yes, count your blessings rather than your difficulties. For the things I give you are constant, and My compassion and mercy for you is everlasting. You can never have

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Consistent, Unfailing, Dependable

My Word is a constant, and not a variable, says the LORD. Nothing can change My Word, My Work, My Plan or My purposes. I Am the Almighty GOD in the midst of you, and when I told you that I do not change, you can KNOW that I am consistent, unfailing, and dependable. What

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Wait Patiently on the LORD

Be patient and wait on Me, says the LORD. Do not rush to judgment on anything. Let Me give you what you need, as you entrust Me with your care, says the LORD. I will do it! Do you want to do it yourself and have an unsatisfactory outcome, or do you want ME to

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Just Hold On!

Some of you are on the bridge right now, contemplating jumping, to end the pain you are going through. Things have not changed for you, and all hope of being saved is gone. You cannot see the difference between night and day, and you have done everything you can. Still nothing! You cannot see a

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Buckle Your Seat

I see that many of you are frustrated about your vision. It is cloudy, even for those who had more clarity. Your purpose that is defined is stalled. This brings confusion as you seem to have more questions than answers. This is a time of shifting, and the jolts are being felt big time for

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