My Word is Unchanging and Eternal - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Words are eternal and unchanging, says the LORD. Just as I Am from everlasting to everlasting, so it is with My Word. I will perform every Word that I have spoken, for didn’t I tell you they are Spirit and they are Life? They cannot die, for they are not fleshly and temporal. Everlasting life is in My Word! My WORD is alive forevermore, just as I Am! My Word is powerful, and MORE penetrating than a double-edged sword! It will cut through any barrier, destroy every evil, and extinguish every fiery dart of the enemy. My Word is a healing and delivering Word, and it is infallible, says the LORD.

Trust in ME and MY eternal Word, says the LORD. For it is by My Word that I created all things that exist, and My Word that is settled in heaven will settle things on earth for you, and as YOU BELIEVE, so shall you receive! For My justified ones shall live by faith in Me and My WORD, and trust Me to fulfill My promises, and they will see them fulfilled! You can hope in My Word and trust in My promises, for they are exactly what I have spoken, and what I will perform for you< says the LORD.

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