I AM Your Peace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I AM Your Peace

I do not create or authorize chaos for you, says the LORD. I always put things in order and am not the author of confusion. The enemy is the one that endeavors to disrupt your peace and interfere with your life. I am your peace, and I Am the one who has given you My peace. I Am not the cause of the troubles, but I am the one who will help you out of them. The complications that are stressing you are not prescribed by Me. I have ordained peace for you and even when the enemy fights against you constantly, I Am with you to fight for you, and I will quiet your fears, says the LORD.

I will calm the storms you are facing and bring you safely on the other side. I Am with you always, and even sudden storms do not surprise Me. I Am always ready, willing and able to keep you, night and day, and you will not be harmed. Trust in My care for you and Know that the conflict will come to an end, for I will give you the answers that you are seeking that generate only peace, says the LORD.

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