I Am your song in the midnight hour, says the Lord. Do not wait for the tangible victory before you take up the timbrels and dance. Celebrate now, as you sing unto Me a melody of praise and thanksgiving and wait for the breaking of the new day. Clap your hands and shout for joy! Embrace My goodness and mercy before you see it in the physical realm. For what I birth in your heart will become your tangible reality, as you hold steadily onto My unfailing hand with unwavering trust and confidence in Me, says the Lord.

I have liberated you from the entrapment of your circumstances, so do not get stuck in the mire of defeat, says the Lord. Look beyond your difficulties, and believe for the dawning of a new day in Me. My unlimited power of My Spirit and presence is in you to bring you through the darkest night, into My marvelous light, where you will be filled with a fresh vision, new hope, and a greater clarity of your purpose, that will cause you to rejoice in Me, says the Lord.

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