Come into My presence where you will find rest, comfort, peace and joy, says the LORD. There is no other place that will give you these unspeakable gifts and assurance that you are safe, all is well, and you have no need to fear. My love is a protective love, a caring love, a constant love, and as you run into the shelter of My arms, I never turn you away, ignore you or push you aside. I will embrace you as I draw you close to My heart and lavish My love on you, says the LORD.

I will take complete care of you as you entrust Me with anything and everything that concerns you, says the LORD. You are My beloved child, and It is not a burden, but a pleasure to me to help you. I hear the cry of your heart and listen intently to every prayer, and I will give you an answer of peace. I will quit your fears and calm every storm as you lay your head on My shoulders, and rest in My arms that secure you, protect you, provide for you and give you My full attention, love and reassurance you long for, always, says the LORD.

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