Your Life is in My Hands - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Your life is My hands, and nothing and no one can take you out, says the LORD. I have given you life in ME. I Am the Way, the truth and the LIFE! I have recorded all the days of your earthly sojourn in My book, and even as I have numbered all the hairs on your head, I have numbered all your days. No power can change that, for Am the beginning and the end, and I Am YOUR beginning and end. When you trust that I have you, hold you, keep you, sustain you, protect you, guard you, guide you, order your steps and Am your Sovereign, you will enter into My rest that remains for you and have abiding peace, says the LORD.

I Am YOUR beginning and end, and I will perfect and complete that which concerns you, says the LORD. You have a purpose that I have prescribed for your life, and you will fulfill it. I have authored it, and I will finish it. I have called and chosen you and placed you in the very region that you are. I make no mistakes. You are who you are by My grace. I Am your creator, and I do all things well. Trust in Me, Who has given you the breath of life. I have given you eternal life in Me because you have believed in Me and received Me as Your Savior and LORD. Now trust Me with your entire life, and know that you are in the shelter of My arms, and I Am your place of safety and All is well, for I have you, says the LORD.

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