Daily Prophecies

Your Faith Pleases Me!

My greatest pleasure is your faith and trust in Me, says the LORD. You please ME well when you walk by faith in My infallible Word. I Am honored when you trust Me, when nothing seems to be working, nothing seems to be changing, nothing seems to be moving and there seems to be NOTHING

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Attend to My Word

Attend to My Word, says the LORD. Pay attention to My written WORD, My SPOKEN WORD, My still small voice in you! For I have spoken. I Am speaking, and I WILL YET SPEAK! Attend unto ALL MY WORD, for it is life and light in you. My Word is a healing and delivering WORD,

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Righteousness, Peace and Joy

My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in My Spirit, says the LORD. It is without end. That means that My righteousness never ends. I will not compromise My righteousness, ever. I desire you to SEEK MY KINGDOM and MY RIGHTEOUSNESS, always, for it does not change with times and seasons, or cultures. Is the

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Called, Chosen and Sent

I heard the Audible voice of the LORD say, (November 23, 2018), “I will put your hand in My hand, and I will take you to Africa.  I will pour out My Spirit in every venue that I will take you.  I will give you new venues.  I will pour out My Spirit and I

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The Fearful and Unbelieving

Don’t waste your time on the fearful and the unbelieving, says the LORD. For they will only tend to argue and will not be open to My Word that I have given you to speak. I did not call you engage in endless arguments, but to publish My Word and do My Work. The enemy

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Keep Your Hand to the Plow

Keep your hand to the plow, and do not turn back, says the LORD.  For I take NO pleasure in those who turn back!  The harvest will be great for those who are laborers in My field, not those who sit there and watch the work go forward, with no action or investment in My

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Follow Me!

I know the end from the beginning, says the LORD. For I Am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. NOTHING takes Me by surprise, nor puts me off balance. Nothing distracts Me and nothing can alter me. I cannot be harmed, and everything is completely in My control. Nothing commands My

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Your Future is in My Hands

Do not worry about your future, says the LORD. For you cannot control it or dictate what will be. Why fret about what is coming, and waste this day that I have given to you! Do what you can while it is day, and KNOW that the future is in My hands. Your times and

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Peace Through Warfare!

You cannot make a peace treaty with the enemy, says the LORD. There is no such thing as compromise. The enemy will not spare you, will not tell you the truth, and only wants you to believe that you will have peace if you do. There is NO fellowship between darkness and light, and you

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I Have Made You Light!

I have given you light and MADE you to become light, says the LORD.  Let your light put out the darkness around you.  For light cannot be put out!  You cannot be extinguished by the dark one.  He threatens to keep you hidden so that you cannot defeat his dark plans, but I have called

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